Words Of Interest

America and England are separated by a common language, as they say. I’ll do my best on this page to provide translations – whether they be US/UK translations, or Glossop/Derbyshire phrases, or just phrases and concepts particular to me or my household. I’ve explained more in this blog post.

I want this to be an easy-read page, but most of these words and phrases need more explanation to be fully understood, so I’ll be writing about them in blog entries, and linking to them from here.

ill (UK): on one’s deathbed. Read more.

ill (US): poorly (UK); any sort of illness, whether mild, moderate, or severe. Read more.

poorly (UK): sick, ill, puny (US); usually, a mild illness, like a head cold, expected to just be a nuisance for a short while and then clear up. Sometimes, a more severe illness. Read more.

sick (UK): vomit. Not a synonym; a direct substitution. Example: “I had to clean up her sick.” Read more.

sick (US): poorly (UK). A general term for illness; could be mild, moderate, or severe, though usually mild. Read more.

2 thoughts on “Words Of Interest

  1. Oooh, I love these sorts of things! Are you going to be including idioms and slang and such things, too? That’s my favorite thing to compare in foreign languages and I should start keeping a running tally in Swedish. Like, when we would use “come on!” in English to encourage someone to hurry up or go with us, in Swedish you say “come again!”

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