Web Wednesday: Interesting Things From Around the Web

Welcome to a new series, wherein I share with you some of the interesting, cool, freaky, amusing, and otherwise evocative things I come across online. I don’t want my blog to become just a republisher of others’ content – there’s plenty of that out there already – but some of the stuff I find is entirely too cool to not share. Like what, you ask? Well, there’s…

Click to discover!
Photograph by MANUEL M. ALMEIDA

Photograph by Manuel M. Almeida

Photograph by David Doubilet.

Photograph by David Doubilet.

Made by Rick Mabry.

Made by Rick Mabry.

A water vortex in the open ocean – read more here. Suddenly, Jesus… A funny story from here. Sharp bellied and nearly flat, razorfish swim in perfect formation as they rush for cover among the branches of a red sea whip. Read more here. A nifty little animation made by a professor of mine, Rick Mabry. Animation here.
  • Dilbert: A new facial expression to scare away the weak.
  • The Laziest Human – that’s what that author calls him; I actually thought he was quite clever, myself.
  • Mental Floss: 12 Things You Might Not Know About The Twelve Days of Christmas
  • YouTube: The Amazing Machine (a Mousetrap-like construction) – really worth a watch!
If you like children, don't click on this one.

If you like children, don’t click on this one.

A brilliant classic Volkswagen ad from here. Traumatize small children this winter in 6 easy steps – find the rest here. A hilarious tweet. Hilarious – amazing customer service from Bic.

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